ROBOX LOBE with belt drive, up to 1000 mbar(g), up to 10500 m3/h

ROBOX Lobe je dmychadlo určené k přepravě plynu za nízkého tlaku. Zahrnuje kompresní ROOTS blok RBS, který je poháněn elektromotorem s řemenovým převodem, včetně veškerého příslušenství a protihlukového krytu. ROBOX Lobe znamená spolehlivost, extrémní pevnost a kompaktnost.

  • Tlak až do +1000 mbar rel.
  • Kapacita až 10 500 m³/h

Clearly designed oil system

The common oil level (all models except ROBOX 1P) is checked from the outside.
Simple and quick oil filling is simplified by a common filling point.

Easy maintenance

ROBOX Lobe makes maintenance even simpler and easier.
Access for servicing is from the front and, for smaller units, also from the top.

Better air circulation inside the noise enclosure is ensured, resulting in greater reliability and better efficiency due to lower temperatures inside the enclosure.


Control, connectivity

ROBOX Lobe is ready for installation of the Sentinel electronic monitoring system (Sentinel
2 and Sentinel PRO), which allows all relevant control, setting of machine and process parameters for reliable and efficient operation.

Compact design

ROBOX LOBE are so compact that they can be placed side by side, significantly reducing the installation space they require and thus the dimensions of the fan room, which also reduces system costs.